Harby Harlequins stage uplifting Snow White pantomime with plenty of laugh out loud moments

Snow White feels the effects of the poisonous apple PHOTO: Martin FaganSnow White feels the effects of the poisonous apple PHOTO: Martin Fagan
Snow White feels the effects of the poisonous apple PHOTO: Martin Fagan
Harby Harlequins gave five excellent performances of their recent pantomime “Snow White and the Dwarfs.”

Crowds at the village hall were trilled with this colourful, fast-moving comedy filled with visual humour, original storyline and funny script (written and directed by Eddie Lilley).

The musical accompaniment of five-piece band/orchestra added to the production which played to almost sell-out audiences throughout.

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This was the Harlequins’ 21st consecutive annual pantomime. The cast of 20, having started rehearsals in October, produced very professional performances and brought warmth and laughter to the Vale in this bleak winter period.

Snow White and cast singing PHOTO: Martin FaganSnow White and cast singing PHOTO: Martin Fagan
Snow White and cast singing PHOTO: Martin Fagan

Director Eddie Lilley said: “We benefited from having great costume (Sally Fagan/Ewa Woods), scenery (Kevin Becken), lighting (Martin Fagan) and sound/audio (Simon Griffin/Fraser Dunlop).

“Our musical director Richard Hedley also provided great music as the platform for a series of dynamic dance routines choreographed by Helen Hubbard.

“I am really proud of the whole cast and company in making this a wonderful show.”

Mr Lilley has now retired as director after 19 years. He intends to continue script writing.