Children have fun baking bread at Wymondham mill

Children receive instruction on how to make bread PHOTO: SuppliedChildren receive instruction on how to make bread PHOTO: Supplied
Children receive instruction on how to make bread PHOTO: Supplied
Children from Wymondham, St Peter's Primary School took part in a bread making workshop at Wymondham Windmill.

Pupils worked with Rob from Lemon Tree Dining, Croxton Kerrial, to make an individual loaf to take home. In addition to this, the children worked as part of a team to produce a wheatsheaf loaf, which will be used at the school’s harvest festival.

Headteacher Anne Harvey said: “Everyone enjoyed learning how to make bread and being given the opportunity to have a go themselves. Many of the children used the bread to make sandwiches for lunch the following day.

“Each child was given a bag of Whissendine flour to continue the bread making experience at home.”

The workshop was organised by Rachel Grevatte as part of ‘The Living Mill’ project.