Police threaten to seize family car after Melton Country park incident

The scene of anti-social behaviour at Melton Country Park where police took action after vehicles were reported to be being driven dangerously EMN-210504-130359001The scene of anti-social behaviour at Melton Country Park where police took action after vehicles were reported to be being driven dangerously EMN-210504-130359001
The scene of anti-social behaviour at Melton Country Park where police took action after vehicles were reported to be being driven dangerously EMN-210504-130359001
Police have warned they will seize a family car if a teenager continues to drive it in a dangerous way following an incident at Melton Country Park.

Officers responded following reports of anti-social behaviour and vehicles being driven dangerously and illegally in and around the park on Friday night.

They identified a car involved in the activity and then visited the home of a 19-year-old man in the town and spoke to both him and his parents.

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A Section 59 notice was given to them, which gives police the power to confiscate the vehicle if it is found again to be driven in an illegal and anti-social manner.

PCSO Mal Durrant, of the Melton Neighbourhood Policing Area, said: “Should the vehicle be involved in further anti-social behavour incidents it can and would be seized.

“The parents were unaware of the budding F1 driver’s antics and he has now been relieved of his access to the family car.

“A good result for the users of the park given its recent popularity as we unlock from Covid, and the performing of ‘doughnuts’ was in a public park and was illegal, putting both the driver and occupants and members of the public at risk.”